Post-operative Instructions After Breast Augmentation:

Pre-operative Photo: 36 A-B with ptosis (drooping) and asymmetry.
Post-operative Photo: 400 cc added by the ambilicus (belly button). Size is now 38 D full.
- Do not remove the dressings until you see Dr. Katsaros in a few days.
- Wear a tight sports bra for 2 weeks after surgery, or until cleared by Dr. Katsaros.
- Do not massage,squeeze or fondle the breast for two weeks-or until cleared by Dr. Katsaros.
- Dr. Katsaros, or the staff, will show you what type of bra to wear after surgery.
- After two weeks, Dr. Katsaros or staff, will show you what kind of massage exercises to perform.
Case 1: Two days after a transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) there is some bruising around the right breast. This was not from the surgery, but from extra-curricular activity at home! Remeber, it is important to avoid squeezing or massaging the breasts for two weeks after surgery-or until cleared by Dr. Katsaros.