Tummy Tuck Removes Strech Marks
Dieting, exercising and liposuction will not remove stretch marks or excess skin. Only a tummy tuck will do this.
Case 6: This is a 52 year-old Caucasian American female who is a tri-athelete. She has seven kids and seven C-sections, which distorted her abdomen and caused a lot of stretch marks. Her navel is to the right of the midline, due to C-section distortion.
Notice how the tummy tuck has removed most of her stretch marks and C-section scars. The remaining stretch marks may be removed with laser.

This lady has less than 1% body fat. Since she has virtually no fat, liposuction is useless. Further weight loss can not possibly remove the extra skin that was permanently created during pregnancy. This patient requires a tummy tuck only, no liposuction. Since she also had dysfunctional uterine bleeding, she required simultaneous total hysterectomy. The cost of tummy tuck alone was $5,000. Simultaneous hysterectomy was covered by her insurance. Liposuction of the abdomen was not required in this case. In most cases, some liposuction is required.
The first picture was taken while she was in the operating room and had drainage tubes in place. These tubes stay in for about 5-7 days. The second after picture was three weeks later.Notice how most of the stretch marks have been removed with the tummy tuck. The remaining stretch marks may be removed with fractional laser.