Butt Augmentation: Post-Op


Stock your home with a two week supply of clear liquids, soups and easy to prepare TV dinners because you should spend most of your first two weeks after surgery at home.

Immediately after surgery, start with a clear liquid diet (water, juices, soda, popsicles) for the first 12-24 hours. Once clear liquids are tolerated, advance to light soups, saltine crackers, cookies. Once soups are tolerated, advance to solid food. Use easy to prepare TV dinners to make it easier on yourself and family.


  • For the first two weeks, the majority of the time should be spent at home, resting on your side. Lazy boy chairs, are acceptable for the first two weeks.
  • Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks immediately after surgery and for two weeks.
  • Avoid prolonged driving for two weeks.
  • Avoid strenuous activity and sexual intercourse for 3 weeks-or until cleared by surgeon.
  • You should wear a compression garment, as approved by the doctor, 24/7 for 6 weeks. This means that you should have at least two compression garments (one to wash, one to wear) during this time.
  • You are not cleared to do any prolonged sitting, until cleared by the doctor on one of the post-operative visits.

Post-Operative Appointments:

Do not underestimate buttock implants. Buttock implants are located in an area that may be contaminated from fecal organisms. Taking your prescribed antibiotics and maintaining your post-operative appointments are critical in making sure that wound healing is adequate.

The first post-operative appointment is after 2-3 days. After that, appointments are once per week, until cleared by the surgeon.

You must keep your scheduled post-operative appointments for best results. Excessive sitting or activity may cause fluid collections which may cause pain, and which may need to be drained. Strict bed rest and good binder support reduces fluid formation and accelerates healing.


Excessive activity and/or sitting during the first two weeks can cause a suboptimal result. This means:

  • Patients with Brazilian fat transfer may have a suboptimal shape because the fat may migrate to other areas-if avoidance of sitting is not adhered to.
  • Patients with buttock implants, may experience migration, pain or excessive fluid accumulation with excessive activity or excessive sitting.
  • We encourage prospective patients to talk to our recent buttock augmentation patients, so as to gain an understanding on the type of time commitment necessary for buttock augmentation. For best results, buttock augmentation patients absolutely need to follow these post-operative instructions strictly.